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Erica Martin

Communications and Marketing Director

Erica has been with the Union League for 15 years as the Director of Communications and Marketing. She is privileged to work with a dynamic team responsible for the League’s brand in addition to all internal and external communications. After earning a degree in journalism from Salisbury University, Erica fell into Club Life by happy accident and never looked back. Erica loves that each day at the League brings new and different challenges and opportunities and feels very lucky to share League Life with members and colleagues. Erica is married to her husband Mike and has two children, Zoey and Weston, and a rescue dog, Casey. She loves spending time with her family, the beach, reading, tacos and a cold IPA.


David Ortega

Art Director

After graduating with a BFA in Visual Communications from the University of Delaware (1999), I started a two week freelance gig at the Union League. Its turned into a 22 year career and still going. I feel that says a lot about working for the League. It’s been an incredible ride so far and I feel like we’re just getting it started. I have the luxury to do what I love and get to collaborate with the most talented and creative team in the industry. During my time away from the office, I love spending time with my wife Lija, our mini schnauzer Liberty, reading music biographies, chess and expanding my record collection.



Valerie Grove

Digital Media and Graphic Designer

My life experience includes living on 3 continents, 4 countries and 6 states, a BFA in Graphic Design from SCAD and 15 years in hospitality (over 8 have been with the League). When I first started at the League, I intended for it to be a job to pay the bills while looking for a career — I’m so glad that God had different plans for me! When not at the League, I spend my time doing yoga, playing board games, urban hiking through the city with my amazing husband Dennis and taste testing every pizza I can sink my teeth into (so far my favorite is the ‘Uptown Vibes’ from Down North). My favorite place on earth is Curaçao where life is ‘dushi.’ (Papiamentu for sweet).


Emma Smith-Hogan

Marketing Coordinator

I always thought it was corny when companies referred to themselves as a family. A few weeks after starting at the Union League, I attended a happy hour where the employees came together and raised money for a staff member whose home was recently affected by a fire. From that moment on, I have been gushing to just about everyone I know about my Union League family. I graduated from Boston University in 2020 with a degree in Mass Communications, and continue learning on the job every single day! My favorite part of my job is that I get to create new content every day that people will immediately interact with. Outside of the office, I enjoy running, playing trivia, going on hikes with my boyfriend and eating all the food.



Brian McShalley

Golf Marketing Coordinator

Brian McShalley is a PGA professional in his fourth year with the Union League. He began with the League as a PGA Intern in 2019 while studying Marketing and Professional Golf Management at Coastal Carolina University. After finishing school and spending two years as an Assistant Professional at Torresdale, Brian joined the Marketing team full-time in the winter of 2022. In addition to handling marketing needs for each golf property, Brian has taken his photography beyond the golf course to include Banner covers, portrait photography, food photography and of course, Ravens games.


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